Hottest Chick Ever Going to Katsucon

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Oh. Your. Gawd. Anime/manga conventions (like Katsucon) should have better standards than this. Sweet merciful balls, why doesn’t her face move? She isn’t blinking. She keeps licking her lips. She must want me. Bad.

CHANGE Into a Truck Art Prints

Change Into a Truck

Tim Doyle has created the inevitable Obama parody featuring Optimus Prime. Demoautocrats! ROLL OUT! (Via /film)

Flava Fav: A Face only a Crack Rock could Love

Flava Flav: A Face only a Crack Rock could Love

Absence of evidence does not stop me from making wild accusations, typically. Especially if the accusation is funny. (Source unknown)

Who’s Values are Screwed Up?

American Values at their Best

Why it’s our values that are screwed up, of course! This was a trick question, dumbass. (Source unknown)

Bowling from a Moving Car

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These guys win the award for the most creative way to shatter the back window of a car. Other than the time their parents were rutting in the backseat after dousing their reproductive organs in toxic waste, microwaving them, then throwing a voodoo hoodoo curse on their future children to grow up and become retards who decide to bowl from a moving car and record it.

Kanye West Made Video Games with Giant Dongs as a Kid

“First beat I did was in seventh grade, on my computer. I got into doing beats for the video games I used to try to make. My game was very sexual. The main character was, like, a giant penis. It was like Mario Brothers, but the ghosts were, like, vaginas. Mind you, I’m 12 years old, and this is stuff 30-year-olds are programming. You’d have to draw in and program every little step—it literally took me all night to do a step, ’cause the penis, y’know, had little feet and eyes.”


Rihanna Beating Picture Released

Rihanna Beating Picture via TMZ

Maybe next time she’ll listen! (via TMZ) - (Ain’t I a stinker?)

Watchmen Will Be Fucking Awesome

Spoiler Alert: WATCHMEN is fucking awesome.

Or so say the nerds of the world. WESLEY CRUSHER, MAKE IT SO! And put this thong on, my lad. - Dirty Picard.

Jean-Claude van DAMME CAN HE DANCE!

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The 1980’s called, Mr. Van Dammage, and they want you back because your dancing was gay fruity FABUUULOUUUUS!

Dinosaurs Fucking Robots

Dinosaurs Fucking Robots

A showcase where artists and comedians can come together and make pictures of… dinosaurs fucking robots… with inspirational phrases.